Healthy Living » Importance of Exercise

Importance of Exercise

Keep Moving: The link between exercise and heart health

Exercise is an important component to keeping your heart healthy. Being active is not only good for your heart but it can help reduce your risk of other conditions, including high blood pressure and being overweight. Remember: people who don’t exercise are twice as likely to get heart disease than those who are active. Myth: If I have a heart condition I should not exercise. Fact: Although many people with heart conditions are afraid to exercise, not exercising is more dangerous. It increases your risk of other conditions such as high blood pressure and being overweight. It is recommended that you exercise for at least 30 minutes a day, during most days of the week. Aerobic exercise: This type of exercise involves exercises that raise your heart rate and breathing. Examples of heart healthy exercises include: swimming, walking, jogging or biking. Remember, that you should exercise enough to raise your heart rate but you should still be able to talk while exercising. Strength training. This type of exercise helps to make your muscles stronger. Examples include weight training, using resistance bands, and yoga. Remember to always stretch after you’ve warmed up and after finishing each exercise.